Sunday, January 1, 2012

New year...New Resolutions?

Here we are....January 1st...again.  I looked for my New Years Resolutions from last year.  I have effectively buried them in a pile of paperwork, most likely with "get more organized" topping the list.  I also, I'm sure, had the standard "loose weight", "exercise more" and "finish school" somewhere on the page.  One out of four is not bad.  I did finish school.  I officially have my MSN.  I also did loose weight....several times if I remember correctly.  Fortunately, I haven't been writing goals of "weigh less at the end of the year"....that would be a very different story!

So now I'm faced with starting 2012.  What do I want this year?  I decided to look at what I got accomplished today and base my goals of of that.  I did exercise today so I feel safe about putting that on my list.  I started Turbo Jam and after five minutes, I realized that regardless of how perky Charlene Johnson is, she's not trying to do those moves with an extra 60 pounds on her, so i grabbed my back up video of Slim in Six instead.  This fit my pace and I didn't have to find my inhaler to finish!  I then got reacquainted with my treadmill.  It seemed happy albeit I'm sure wondering why I was heavier since we last spent time together.  I put it at the full incline and walked 2.9 miles an hour for a mile - about 20 minutes.  I felt accomplished and like I'm starting the year off in a positive way.  Only 364 more days to go!

I also started a chronological reading of my Bible.  I don't think I have ever made it through the whole book in one year and reading it with the full historical viewpoint seems interesting.  Even more so after spending the last 12 months reading nursing research reports.  I found a reading plan online and read through the creation today and how Eve pretty much brought on working for a living and childbirth with pain due to listening to a snake.  I then reviewed some of my stupid choices over the past 48 years and found us to be kindred spirits.  I also thanked God for Demerol, epidurals and C-sections.  The working I've accepted as just a fact of life.

I stayed away from chocolate today and gave away the last of my peanut butter balls stash.  I took my multivitamin (split in half as per recommended by Dr. Oz) and am washing down my second dose with a glass of red wine.  I upped my fiber today to a point that I am now searching for anything resembling Beano.  I also have my check book balanced and have avoided spending unnecessary money today - although I did go virtual shopping several times only to click out when they asked for money.  

Last night Eric and I went to a party.  We played a game that required each of us to write down the top six favorite things of our spouse.  Eric and I got only one right on each other.  The other couples all got at least three.  They handed us business cards for marriage counselors and decided that we needed the prize more than any one else.  I guess getting to now my husbands desires should be somewhere on my list!

So.....after reviewing the day, I have decided on the following resolutions.

1.  Exercise daily - I am not putting any parameters on this one.  Walking up the stairs, working up to Turbo Jam, bending over to tie my shoes (that may actually be the hardest one!) all counts.  In 2013, I'll work on my latex addiction. 

2.  Read my Bible daily and stay on track with the chronological calendar.   Take something out of it more than how I would have made equally bad decisions and try to impact my future decision making habits.

3.  Add fiber, multivitamins, red wine and anything else that Dr. Oz recommends in moderation and with some semblance of common sense.  Avoid dietary habits that will make me clear a room in 30 seconds. 

4.  Enjoy life, my husband, my kids and anything else that comes my way.  Eric and I have lined up tickets for four plays (Wicked, Cats, Adams Family and Memphis), reservations for dinner next week at Indigo Grill and a trip whale watching (Thank you Gloria!).   I'm hoping during those times that we actually get to know each other enough to not embarrass ourselves at our next party.  A coworker gave me a mug that says "Laugh out loud and often, Believe in your dreams and Imagine anything is possible".  Sound advice.  I think I'll follow it.

Love to you all. 

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