I have decided to blame part of my weight problem....on my students. My students and the fact that we have a new term every four weeks. Final exam days have become classroom pot luck days....every four weeks....and I oversee 473 students in 13 on campus classes and 4-6 clinical classes. I would be fine if I just locked myself in my office every four weeks....but the staff typically bring all the left overs back into our shared work space. I'm not talking, either, about food that is easy to resist. We have what rivals a UN meeting in each classroom. Foods from the Philippines, Mexico, Italy, and the good old US are laid out in metal trays, most of it home cooked. What is not home cooked is the ever present tin of hot wings, pizza or from today, Brownie bites. I have been assaulted with smells of lumpia, tamales, ceviche and home made lasagna. Today I even tried bringing my lunch to decrease my appetite. I ate it....along with everything else.
This was not a great plan.
Whats even worse is if I visit the classroom. In that case, how can you resist a student saying..."You need to try this...I made it..." or even worse, "my mom made it....". How can I insult someones mother? It's a sacrifice but if me eating my weight in various foods will make someones mama feel better, I don't see any way out. I think I'm going to start taking my vacation days on Finals day each month. Life without lumpia is a bit depressing, I must say, but I know is the better choice for me overall.
So....I think I'll try getting some sleep. We have lab demo day tomorrow and a three hour course in reading ICD-10 codes. I guess I could catch up on my sleep there but I'm not thinking that is setting the best example for the staff. I hope you all have a great day....I will be the one with my eyes propped open, gnawing on a leftover hot wing. Have a great day!
LOL! Gnawing a left-over hot wing! ;-) I hear ya, sister. The ROLOS in my cupboard actually winked at me this afternoon--it's all their fault. Funny stuff, girlfriend.